The Murmurs – Spring 2023 / AS 58

This is the Baronial Newsletter for the Barony of Aquaterra


This quarter we hosted Boar’s Hunt at the Masonic Family Park. It was a well-attended event, with his Majesty gracing us on Saturday.

Attendees: 127 weekend, 75 day adults, 15 youth. One of our Event Stewards was unable to make the event due to health events, and the Barony stepped up in great form to help out (HUZZAH!)

Merchants’ Row

During the court of His Majesty and Their Excellencies, we had a respectable list of award recipients:

Kingdom Awards:

Kurobayashi Tarou Akahito, Griffe

Sigrid Hrafnsdottir, AOA

Gunnlaud Leifsson, L’Esperon

Lorelei of Key Point, Leo Minor

John the Immobile, Jambe de Lion

Graham Von Baekyn, AOA

Weylyn of Sotwyld, Sable Pheon

Tymme Lytefellow, Griffe

Sabina di Zorzi, Sanguins Thorn

Badger the Humble, AOA

Gideon Hrafensfuri and Elewyn verch Emrys, Bountiful Hand, Hearth of Hospitality

Skallagrim Grimkjellson, Court Barony

Baronial Awards:

Golden Estoile:

Jaida al-Sahrawiyya

Landinn de Marest

Graham Von Baekyn

Camilla Valerian

Baron’s Favor:

Skallagrim Grimkjellson

Baroness’s Favor:

Countess Aryanna Silknfyre

Baronial News:

The Canton of Bearwood has officially been dissolved and all remaining funds have been donated to the Raven Travel Fund.

HL Sabina has been working on updating officer job descriptions and has created an onboarding procedure for new officers; she plans on sitting down with existing officers to cover the same information. 

This includes areas of responsibility, reporting structure, as well as providing copies of the baronial customary and financial policy, the current society bullying and harassment policy, and going over grievance procedures.  She will also be making sure that they have access to their Office 365 account, budget forms and check request forms, and letting them know that they can provide information if they’d like their own page on our website so the populace can get more involved in the areas that interest them. 

Kingdom News:

Huzzah to the new heirs to the Sable Throne; Duke Morgan, inspired by  Duchess Livia, triumphed at May Crown.

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Society News/Announcements:


Fee Increase for Insurance Certificates

APRIL 18, 2023

As of May 1, 2023, there will be an increase in fees for insurance certificates.  The new rates for groups will be $75 for non-equestrian insurance certificates and $200 for equestrian certificates.

This price rise is driven by an ongoing increase in insurance costs overall, in addition to a significant increase in the SCA’s equestrian insurance coverage in particular. In comparison to 2019 (the last full year of SCA activities prior to the pandemic), the SCA’s insurance premiums for 2023 increased by 16.9% and the premium for equestrian insurance increased by approximately 275%. The organization was looking at an even higher increase but were able to negotiate a small discount.

The majority of the SCA’s insurance costs are covered by membership income.  SCA Inc. uses this income to subsidize the cost on individual certificates at a current rate of 62% for event certificates and 69% for equestrian certificates.

Insurance certificates can be requested by emailing Please note we are in the process of updating and digitizing the insurance certificate ordering process.

This change affects requests received on or after May 1. If you’ve already got an insurance request in process, even for an event taking place after May 1, there is no fee increase and no further action is needed.

Arts & Sciences Update – June 2023

JUNE 1, 2023 | 

Arts and Sciences make up a major cornerstone of the SCA. Whether people are creating new garb, forging a blade, preparing a feast, or learning something new, this area of our Society remains a constant hive of activity.

Many of our Ministers of Arts and Sciences had the chance to meet up this March at Gulf Wars! Ideas were exchanged and all had a great time. This meet up was followed up with Sarah, our Society Minister of Arts & Sciences, vising AEthelmarc for their all embroidery event St. Clare, where she gave a keynote talk “Opus Anglicanum: Beyond the Shiny Stitches.”

Arts & Sciences offices are always changing and evolving, each quarter sees this office welcoming new Ministers of Arts and Sciences who each bring unique ideas and talents to the role. They are a key part of answering A&S related questions and cultivating interest in the arts & sciences across the SCA. We are thrilled to welcome the new Scribal Deputy, Mistress Ellen DeLacey, OP to her role! Additionally, We will soon be looking for a new Sciences deputy, so keep your eyes peeled for further information about office openings!

Moving forward, we are looking to hold more Known World events. We are accepting proposals for events on a rolling basis, so if you have an idea or would like to submit a proposal, please contact the Society Minister for Arts & Sciences at


S.C.O.R.E.S is Coming!

JUNE 23, 2023 | 

We’re really happy to share with you that that the SCA Online Registration and Event System (S.C.O.R.E.S) is coming! In fact, it’s almost here! Over the next couple of weeks, the final tests will be completed (the next test will occur for an event in Atlantia) and then the system will be released to SCA Inc Kingdoms for general use! Stay tuned!

YIS, HL Landinn de Marest, Aquaterra Chronicler

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