Baronial Officers

Great Offices are mandatory and required by SCA bylaws. Secondary offices may be created as necessary to provide oversight in specific areas of interest or responsibility.

The Barony of Aquaterra is graced with a large, active population, and so we have divided the administrative chores among several individuals as Secondary Offices.

Great Offices

Baron and Baroness (Coronets)

Baron and Baroness (Coronets)
Geirleikr Vedrsson hersir and Shayhka Zahra bint al-Rammah


Provides oversight for interactions between the Barony and the modern public.


Lady Dzovinar Korikosen

Welcoming newcomers and general public outreach.


HL Landinn de Marest

Produces the branch newsletter; may keep meeting minutes and record branch history.


Lady Jaida Al-Sahraa

The Baronial Treasurer.

Gorges Pursuivant (Herald)

Gorges Pursuivant (Herald)
Michael Maximillien de Champagne

Coordinates field & court heraldry at events and assists with heraldic submissions.

Master of Stables

Master of Stables
Lord Gunnarr Torfason

Manages and coordinates combat practices, marshaling, and safety.

Minister of Arts and Sciences

Minister of Arts and Sciences
HL Kathryn Garnett

Secondary Offices


Lady Amnara

Subsidiary of Minister of Arts and Sciences


Lady Camilla Valerian

Subsidiary of Exchequer
Manages inventory, storage, and movement of Baronial equipment.

Chief Archer

Chief Archer
Lord Criostal Sealgair

Subsidiary of Master of Stables
Manages archery events, marshalling, safety, and practice.

Costumer's Guild

Costumer’s Guild
Baroness Alessandra Lorenza di Martini d’Simonetti

Subsidiary of Minister of Arts and Sciences
Coordinates events and fosters interest in making or learning about making garb.

Culinary Guild (and Brewer's Guild)

Culinary Guild (and Brewer’s Guild)
Baroness Fiamma the Unquenchable

Dance Minister

Dance Minister
HL Soelig Sweteglee

Subsidiary of Minister of Arts and Sciences
Coordinates events and fosters interest in making or learning about medieval dance.

Games Minister

Games Minister
Lady Eibhlin inghean Sheain

Subsidiary of Minister of Arts and Sciences
Manages medieval games at events, coordinates game days and practices, fosters knowledge of medieval games.

Gold Key

Gold Key
Lady Dzovinar Korikosen

Subsidiary of Chatelaine
Manages creation and storage of loaner garb and distribution of it during events.

Grete Boke (Great Book)

Grete Boke (Great Book)
HL Michelino di Gino Martini

Subsidiary of Chronicler

Master of Sword

Master of Sword
Don Dyryke Stanley

Subsidiary of Master of Stables
Manages rapier (light) fighters and practices.

Minister of Horse

Subsidiary of Master of Stables
Manages and coordinates equestrian events and practices.

Minister of Lists

Minister of Lists
HL Elisabeth Pendarvis

Minister of Thrown Weapons

Subsidiary of Master of Stables
Manages and coordinates thrown weapon events, marshalling, safety, and practices.


Lady Genevieve DeMarais

Subsidiary of Gorges Pursuivant (Herald)
Arranges monthly scriptoriums, fosters the Scribal Arts, arranges classes and shepherds award scrolls for events.
Scribal Bookmarks

Social Media Deputy

Social Media Deputy
HL Katla Mani

Subsidiary of Chronicler
Coordinates the Barony’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter presence.

Voice Herald

Voice Herald
HL Alan ap Neal


HL Loftr Jolgeirsson

Subsidiary of Master of Stables
Manages and coordinates the Barony’s War Band and war efforts.


Signore Giovanni dell’Arco

Subsidiary of Chronicler
Administers the website and coordinates the Barony’s online presence with the Social Media Deputy.

Youth Armored Combat (YAC) Warden

Subsidiary of Master of Stables
Manages and coordinates youth armored combat events, marshalling, and practices.

Youth & Family Activities Coordinator

Subsidiary of Minister of Arts and Sciences
Manages the SCA’s Youth and Family Program.