This is the Newsletter for the Barony of Aquaterra, Kingdom of An Tir
We have a new Seneschal, welcome to HL Sabina di Zorzi, and many thanks to Maighster Conal MacLaren for his service to the Barony. We also have an official applicant for Youth and Family Activities, Sorcha Magnusson.
January saw the return of Ursulmas as both a demo and an Event in our fair Barony!
Our attendance tally: 851 total adults, 130 youth/children; 431 were non-members.
We had excellent turnout for the fighting with 72 rapier and 138 heavy contenders.
We had a rich offering at Ursulwyck Village, and 17 merchants on site.
The Baronial populace was honored with several awards at Ursulmas:
Elevated to the Order of Chivalry:
Refbrandr Geirleikrsson
Award of Arms given to:
Ambrose of Aquaterra
Kanin Gustavson
Sigrid Hrafnsdottir
Griffe et du Lion given to:
Biorn Atalson
Entered into the order of Terpsichore’s Fox:
Alan ap Neal
Soelig Sweteglee
Jambe de Lion given to:
Rhodri Longshanks
In March, HL Landinn de Marest answered the request from a local homeschooling group for a historical art lesson and she completed an overview of Italian Renaissance painting.
We are having good turnout at our Socials and A&S gatherings. Please continue to attend and support the Barony. Dates and locations can be found on the Baronial Calendar:
Their Excellencies request that members of the populace continue to recommend those deserving of recognition to please complete an award recommendation at
Please review our Baronial awards at
Thus concludes the Spring 2023 Murmurs, authored by HL Landinn de Marest, Baronial Chronicler.