March 22, 2025
Legion Park in Everett - 145 Alverson Blvd, Everett, WA 98201. We will be in the grass near the big gazebo.
We will be there 12-3.
If you attended my basics Marshal class or are interested in learning more about heavy combat, please come out and join us! This is a great time to practice Marshaling or ask questions.
Things to bring: water, chair, and something warm if you're just interested in watching and hanging out. We do have access to bathrooms at the site.
Please feel free to reach out to me at aquaterra.MasterofStables@antir.org with any questions you may have.
HL Lóftr Jólgeirson
Protégé to Maestra Althaia filia Lazari
Squire to Count Sir Athos
Master of Stables to Barony of Aquaterra
Legion Park