Category: Aquaterra Event Banner War

Banner War

September 20, 2024

The call echoes across the land, the Barony of Aquaterra bids the loyal houses of An Tir to raise their banners!

Gather your bands and rally your house to compete in archery, arts & sciences, thrown weapons, bardic, rapier, heraldry, heavy combat, and more! We are asking houses to raise their banners and commit their members to our various activities to earn war points toward the Great War Chest.

Houses will declare their intent to vie for the Great War Chest at morning court on Saturday, September 21st. No house? No problem! Bid, barter and bribe competing houses for war points that you earn.

In the Barony of Aquaterra, the Great Banner War has erupted, shattering the fragile peace that has reigned for nigh a year. Noble houses, each adorned with their heraldic symbols of power and lineage, now clash in a tumultuous struggle for supremacy. As banners unfurl atop ancient keeps and across battlefields stained with the echoes of history, alliances are forged and broken, ambitions kindled and dashed. Heroes rise from obscurity, wielding sword and strategy in equal measure, while the fate of kingdoms hangs in the balance. In this crucible of honor and treachery, only one house will ultimately claim the right to rule, while others fade into the annals of legend.

Come join us in the beautiful Masonic Family Park in Granite Falls September 20-22, 2024 for a wonderful event full of chances and challenges to earn war points for your banner with the winners claiming the Great War Chest!

More details to come as we get closer to the event! Please check back if you're looking for something specific!

Prefer to get your updates elsewhere? Visit this Linktree to find the other places updates will be posted regarding this event!


Registration Information

Receive a $5 discount by Pre-Registering today! Pre-Reg form will open @ 6pm on Monday, July 15th, and close at 10pm on Sunday, September 18th.

2024 Banner War Pre-Reg Google Form


Accessibility Information

This site has zero cell/data service, and limited power supplied camp options. If you require power, please reach out to one of the stewards to help facilitate. These are reserved on a first come first serve basis, and any unassigned spots will be available to other participants on a first come, first serve basis. There is a fee for use of electricity in these sites that must be paid directly to the park.

This site has an entry gate that closes overnight. Gate closes at 10pm on Friday, and 9pm on Saturday. Once the gate is closed – there is NO REENTRY until the gate opens again at 9am the next morning. If you leave the site after the gate is closed, you WILL NOT be able to get back onto site until morning.


Site Fees

Fee Type Cost*
Adult Weekend $55
Adult Day $35
Youth (13-17) Day/Weekend $5
*SCA Members will receive a $10 member discount off the adult costs listed above.


Event Schedule

** = Chance for War Points
* = Class

***This schedule is still subject to change as we get closer to the event***

Time Activity Location
6:00 pm *Youth Banner Workshop Feast Hall
10:00 pm Gate Closes – no re-entry Mason Gate
9:00 am Park and Entry Gates Open Mason Gate, Feast Hall
10:00 am Opening Court
10:30 am (Right after Court) Armor Inspections Open Respective Fields
Pavillions Open Youth, Games, A&S, Merchants
Archery/TW Ranges Open Archery Field
**Thrown Weapons Competitions Archery Field
**Siege Cooking Supply Pickup Baronial Pavilion
**Iron Needle Supply Pickup Baronial Pavilion
*Medieval Headaches Class Peterson Hall
Newcomer’s Site Walk Baronial Pavilion
11:00 am **Dirty 1/2 Dozen Submissions A&S Pavilion
11:30 am **Youth Banner Hunt Begins YAFA Pavilion
*Italian Clothing Class Peterson Hall
**Rapier Scenarios Begin TBD
**Heavy Combat Scenarios Begin War Field
1:00 pm YAFA Closes for Lunch YAFA Pavilion
Silent Auction Opens Feast Hall
*Spiffy Speedy Eyelets (hands-on) Peterson Hall
**Archery Competitions Archery Field
**Dirty 1/2 Largesse Judging Opens A&S Pavilion
2:00 pm YAFA Re-Opens YAFA Pavilion
**Youth Armored Combat Begins War Field
*Norse (Skjoldenhamn) Hood Class Peterson Hall
**Adult Bocce Ball Competition Games Pavilion
3:00 pm Event Gate Closes – No new entries Feast Hall
 **Hospitality Roam Begins Sitewide
**Heraldic Vox Off Merchants Row/Baronial Pavilion
4:00 pm *Footwear for your Persona Peterson Hall
5:30 pm **Dirty 1/2 Largesse Judging Closes A&S Pavilion
Silent Auction Closes Feast Hall
Youth Banner Hunt Ends YAFA Pavilion
6:00 pm Evening Court Baronial Pavilion
7:00 pm **Potluck/Trivia Night Feast Hall
8:00 pm (Dusk) **Youth Armored Combat Evening Torchlight Lane
**Bardic Circle Baronial Pavilion (Bardic Circle)
9:00 pm Park Gate Closes – no re-entry
9:00 am Park Gate Opens
10:00 am Closing Court Baronial Pavilion
10:30 am (Right after Court) Hrafensheim Loadout Breakfast Feast Hall
3:00 pm Site Closes – must be offsite


Meal Information

Saturday PotLuck and Trivia Night

Please all come and join us for a Potluck and Trivia Night at the Tavern Hall after Court on Saturday night at Banner War. Ambrose has graciously offered to run the grill and make hamburgers and hot dogs for everyone who joins, and we will have an assortment of sides on offer but would love if people could contribute to the drinks and sides options! This is more about being social than being historic, so bring your favorite side dish and come party!

During the merriment and revelry, I will be hosting a Trivia Game for any who wish to participate. You will be teamed up in groups of 4-5 for this (so big houses take advantage, you could win lots of war points if you bring multiple teams ... just saying!). There will be 10 multiple choice questions on this quiz, and there is NO RHYME OR REASON to them other than they are about the Middle Ages, so ... good luck brushing up since you won't have any internet out there for us to worry about! First place team will be granted 5 War points, 3 points for Second Place, and 1 War Point for 3rd!

In addition – if you see this post/email/note on calendars – you can win yourself a Bonus War Point by answering the super-secret extra credit question by finding me on site and asking for it AFTER morning court, but BEFORE evening court. Good luck tracking me down!!! Muahahahahahaha!!!!

Sunday Load-Out Breakfast

House Hrafensheim has graciously offered to prepare a hearty breakfast during load-out on Sunday so everyone else can focus their energy on camp teardown. Come load up on some teardown energy foods! Pancakes, sausages, scrambled eggs, etc., will be available. If you are open to donating food or hands to this, please contact House Hrafenshiem!


Tournament Information

Dirty Half Dozen Largesse Competition
To enter, make six items of your choice that are alike or related and submit them immediately after Saturday morning court. The judging will be done by the 'beads in a cup' method. Each person (including each entrant) is allowed one vote which is done by putting one bead in the cup in front of the donation entry that you like the best. The winner of the Dirty Half Dozen Donation Competition is the person with the most beads in their entry's cup. The winner gets to select one item as a prize, as well as: 5 War Points for 1st Place, 3 War Points for 2nd Place, and 1 War Point for 3rd! "Baron and Baroness' Choice" will also get to choose one item as their prize. After all the prizes are given out, the donations that are left will be given to the Baron and Baroness to go in the barony's coffers. Need Largesse Ideas? Check out the Kingdom of An Tir Largesse Makers Group or this Pinterest Board (shared by our Seneschal!).

Iron Needle
Will consist of kits of either a Skoldenhamm hood or a simple linen cap. Instructions & Fabric included. Bring your sewing kit including needles and thread. Embroidery is a bonus. All caps and hoods will be donated to Baronial Largess. Winner may choose to keep their entry along with the War Points. Winner will receive 5 War Points!

Siege Cooking
Pick up your siege cooking supplies from Lady Oz Von Baekyn of House Baekyn. This will be a blind judging so plating vessels will be provided. Limit six entrants/teams (no more than three people per team please.) Participants will be supplied with identical ingredients that in part or full must be used in final dish(es.) Judging criteria TBA. NO medieval food knowledge necessary to play. Drop off at 3:00pm. Top dish earns 5 war points!

Hospitality Contest
Their Excellencies will be visiting campsites on Saturday! As they come by, put all your best efforts on display! Welcome them into your camp warmly, and with all the SCAdian you can muster! The camps that show the most/best hospitality to their Excellencies will be awarded War Points at the discretion of the Coronets! Bring your A+ snack and hydration game! Sing them a song! Tell them a story! Be the host(ess) with the most(ess)! First place gets 5 War Points, Second Place gets 3 War Points, and 1 War Point for 3rd!

Heraldic Vox Off
Do people often tell you you're loud? PROVE IT! SAY IT WITH YOUR WHOLE CHEST! Come join us for the VOX OFF! The goal is to be the LOUDEST! How far can you make your voice heard?!? Come square off against the loudest voices in the region and compete for 3 War Points!

There will be both a Championship and a Battle for War Points AT THE SAME TIME! Only those who have declared intent for the championship at morning court will be eligible for 1st place, but 2nd and 3rd are open to all comers. 1st place receives 5 war points and Champion, 2nd place receives 3 war points, 3rd place receives 1 war point. Competitions will be a selection of familiar novelty targets with a surprise or two thrown in – TBD based on # of Participants!

Thrown Weapons
There will be both a Championship and a Battle for War Points AT THE SAME TIME! Only those who have declared intent for the championship at morning court will be eligible for 1st place, but 2nd and 3rd are open to all comers. 1st place receives 5 war points and Champion, 2nd place receives 3 war points, 3rd place receives 1 war point. Competition style will determined based on # of Participants!

Scenarios and War Points will be determined on site based on # of Participants!

Heavy Combat
Scenarios TBD (and subject to change based on # of Participants)


Youth and Family Activities

Youth Banner Creation Workshop (Friday Evening)
There will be a banner creation workshop put on by the YAC Warden, Alanna Von De Huga, and our Gorges Herald, Michael Maximillien de Champagne. We will provide canvas banners, coloring supplies and examples of period accurate banners to help inspire your creations. Banners may be used in the fighting scenarios on Saturday.

Youth Banner Hunt
Bring all the kiddos to the YAFA Pavilion to hear the rules of the Youth Banner Scavenger Hunt. This will be an ongoing hunt throughout the day! Winning youth will be awarded 3 War Points!

Banner War Youth Armored Combat
Raise your banners, children, for we fight for the honor of our houses and the glory of our brethren!

Friday, September 20 we prepare for battle!

Saturday, September 21 our banners will fly!

Saturday Daytime, War – when the heavy fighters have finished their war, we shall rain down upon them like terrors. There will be three war scenarios for the youth to participate in, including capture the banner, defend the castle, loot the keep and the undead horde. Any adult fighters willing to stay and fight with the kids will be praised, furnished with pool noodles as weapons and thoroughly trounced by our horde of youth.

Saturday Nighttime, Tournament – As the sun sets, we shall gather and by torch light our fighters will prove themselves. This tournament will be for all 3 youth age divisions.

All participants must present their fighters card or have the appropriate paperwork filled out day of. Forms will be provided by the YAC Warden.

All weapons and armor must be presented for inspection by the Marshal before they are allowed on the field. Please meet with the Warden promptly after morning court if you have multiple weapons that need checked.

All participants must have an authorized adult supervising them during Combat events.

While it is ideal for each fighter to have their own gear, we understand that that is not always possible. Loaner gear can be made available through prior arrangement with the YAC Warden.

Questions? Email our Youth Armored Combat Warden, Alanna, at


Volunteer Information

Masonic Family Park is the private campgrounds in Granite Falls that is available for use by Masons and sometimes they extend an offer to non-profits like the SCA to host events. The Park has classically struggled with keeping up with overgrowth, path/road maintenance, and keeping the main hall (Big Kitchen) clean and functional. They have authorized free access to the park the weekend of September 13-15th, and then again, the day before Banner War begins (9/19) if you would like to volunteer your time to help get the park in shape.

In addition, Ambrose and I will be providing a fried chicken dinner for all volunteers on Saturday night (9/14)! The park has provided us with access to the Big Kitchen (Feast Hall), the adjoining camping site (Chuckie, Site 12), and Site 24 for camping. We may have additional sites if we find we need more space.

Sign Up Form for Friday-Sun:


Merchant Information

Interested in being a Merchant at this event? Sign up here: Merchant Application

Currently confirmed:
Keltic Kraze
Embers Sidequest
Redwolf Ltd.
The Chocolate Lantern


Classes Offered

Medieval Headaches Potions Class
Class run by HL Halawa al-Waddi. Class will go over how medieval headache potions were made. No Samples!

Italian Working Women Middle Class Clothing Class
Class run by Mistress Alessandra Lorenza di Martini d'Simmonetti

Norse (Skjoldenhamn) Hood Class
Class run by HL Mýrún Bjarnardóttir

Newcomers Site Walk
Is this your first time at this site, or have you never explored the full site? Join Lady Jaida al-Sahrawiyya on a guided tour of the entire site to show you all the special features of this wonderful gem in the woods!

Masonic Family Park
24310 Mountain Loop Hwy
Granite Falls, WA 98252

More information

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